This is the Moon of Water.The first moon of Yule.
The Celtic ‘tree’ was the Reed, useful in thatching, matting, and boats; symbol of royalty.
Isis searched the reed beds to gather up the scattered remnants of her son Osiris.
The sound of the sea, the roar of pebbles on the beach, the drag of the wave, the moan of the wind in the reed beds, and the cry of the owl, messenger to Hecate, the death goddess, or to Persephone in her underworld.
Grey goose and fish. Dissolving, disintegrating. Formlessness. Dreaming. Undoing and becoming. For Pagans this is a time of waiting and preparing for the winter solstice and Yule.
Dec 8th Mary, Immaculate Conception. Dec 12th Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Christian Advent is preparation for the birth of Jesus over four Sundays followed by Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day.
Dec 26th Hannukah is an eight day festival of light for the Jews, with candles and potato pancakes.